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Malayalam English Dictionary

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Term Definition
ദഹനക്കേട് (dahanakked)

indigestion , illness caused by indigestion.

ദഹനം (dahanam)

burning , combustion , cremation , digestion , consumption.

ദഹനശക്തി (dahanashakthi)

eupepsy , digestive power.

ദഹിപ്പിക്കുക (dahippikkuka)

burn, cremate.

ദൈവാധീനം (daivaadheenam)

divine assistance , good luck.

ദൈവദൂതന്‍ (daivadoothan)

angel , messenger of God.

ദൈവദോഷം (daivadosham)

misfortune caused by divine influence , misfortune , adversity , calamity , wrath of God.

ദൈവകടാക്ഷം (daivakadaaksham)


ദൈവകല്‍പ്പന (daivakalppana)

God's will , command of God , fate.

ദൈവകൃപ (daivakripa)


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കഷ്ടത (kashtatha)
misery , trouble , hardship , pity , poverty.
കഷണിക്കുക (kashanikkuka)
cut into pieces.
കഷണം (kashanam)
piece , slice.