Malayalam to English dictionary. Modern Online Malayalam to English dictionary with over 10000 words. Online Malayalam to English dictionary.
Term | Definition |
ജലപാനം (jalapaanam) |
drinking water , the simplest kind of food. |
ജലപ്രവാഹം (jalapravaaham) |
water current , flood. |
ജലസേചനം (jalasechanam) |
irrigation. |
ജലവാസം (jalavaasam) |
grass or sweet rush. |
ജലവൈദ്യുതി (jalavaidyuthi) |
hydro-electric power. |
ജലയാത്ര (jalayaathra) |
voyage , journey by water. |
ജനാഭിപ്രായം (janaabhipraayam) |
public opinion. |
ജനാവലി (janaavali) |
crowd , the public. |
ജനകീയാസൂത്രണം (janakeeyaasoothranam) |
plan drawn up by the people , people's plan , planning from the grass root level. |
ജനകീയഭരണം (janakeeyabharanam) |
democracy. |
കഷ്ടത (kashtatha)
misery , trouble , hardship , pity , poverty. |
കഷണിക്കുക (kashanikkuka)
cut into pieces. |
കഷണം (kashanam)
piece , slice. |