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Malayalam English Dictionary

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ഗണിക്കുക (ganikkuka)

calculate , consider , think deeply and seriously , divine , calculate the effects , of the changing positions of planets.

ഗണിതം (ganitham)

mathematics , astrology.

ഗരം (garam)

poison , illness , swallowing.

ഗര്‍ജ്ജനം (garjjanam)

roar , loud cry of lion or elephant , cry of rage , sound of thunder , shouting.

ഗര്‍ജ്ജിക്കുക (garjjikkuka)

roar , make a loud cry , shout , thun-der.

ഗര്‍വ്വം (garvvam)

pride , haughtiness , arrogance.

ഗദം (gatham)

disease , grief.

ഗതി (gathi)

course , movement , gait , direction , protection , refuge , salvation , (gram.) preposition.

ഗതികേട് (gathiked)

penury , destitution , poverty.

ഗതിവേഗം (gathivegam)


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കഷ്ടത (kashtatha)
misery , trouble , hardship , pity , poverty.
കഷണിക്കുക (kashanikkuka)
cut into pieces.
കഷണം (kashanam)
piece , slice.