Malayalam to English dictionary. Modern Online Malayalam to English dictionary with over 10000 words. Online Malayalam to English dictionary.
Term | Definition |
ശാലീന (shaaleena) |
modest , humble , bashful , shy , simple , weak. |
ശാലീനത (shaaleenatha) |
humility , simplicity , modesty. |
ശാന്തമായ (shaanthamaaya) |
calm , quiet. |
ശാന്തത (shaanthatha) |
calmness , quietness. |
ശാന്തി (shaanthi) |
peace , calmness , tranquility , relief , redemption from worldly things , atonement , worshipping of god (priest's occupation). |
ശാപം (shaapam) |
cursing , swearing , abusing , condemnation. |
ശാപ്പാട് (shaappaad) |
meal. |
ശാരീരികം (shaareerikam) |
physical , bodily , corporal. |
ശാശ്വതം (shaashwatham) |
eternally , forever , perpetually , immortally. |
ശാസിക്കുക (shaasikkuka) |
admonish , rebuke. |
കഷ്ടത (kashtatha)
misery , trouble , hardship , pity , poverty. |
കഷണിക്കുക (kashanikkuka)
cut into pieces. |
കഷണം (kashanam)
piece , slice. |