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Malayalam English Dictionary

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Term Definition
യുഗം(yugam) ()

a pair , period , an age or long period of time , one of the Ages like Dwaapara or Kaliyuga , an age of some special significance (like Stone Age).

യാചന (,)

begging , humble request , imploring , prayer.

യാചകന്‍ (yaachakan)

beggar , mendicant , bhikshu , one who lives on alms.

യാചിക്കല്‍ (yaachikkal)

begging , requesting , petitioning.

യാചിക്കുക (yaachikkuka)

beg , request , implore.

യാദൃച്ഛികം (yaadruchikam)

accident , accidental happening , unexpected event or happening.

യാമം (yaamam)

a period of three hours , suppression , control , way , path , route , midnight , chariot.

യാമിനി (yaamini)

night , turmeric.

യാന്ത്രിക (yaanthrika)

pert. to machine , mechanic , mechanical , artificial , unfeeling , unemotional.

യാന്ത്രികജീവിതം (yaanthrikajeevitham)

mechanical life , life that goes on like a machine , an artificial , unemotional life.

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കഷ്ടത (kashtatha)
misery , trouble , hardship , pity , poverty.
കഷണിക്കുക (kashanikkuka)
cut into pieces.
കഷണം (kashanam)
piece , slice.