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Malayalam English Dictionary

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Term Definition
ഗുഹ (guha)

cave , cavity in a mountain , grotto.

ഗുണഭോക്താവ് (gunabokthaav)

beneficiary , one who enjoys the benefits of somebody's kindness or goodness.

ഗുണകാംക്ഷി (gunakaamkshi)


ഗുണകരമായ (gunakaramaaya)

beneficial , profitable , favourable.

ഗുണം (gunam)

function , duty , quality , goodness , number of times , wick , string , thread , bow-string , strand , secondary function or duty , virtue , property (of a thing).

ഗുണനഫലം (gunanafalam)

product of multiplication.

ഗുണനം (gunanam)

multiplication , describing item by item , description.

ഗുണവചനം (gunavachanam)

a word that qualifies , a word about some virtue.

ഗുരുദക്ഷിണ (gurudakshina)

the gift offered by the pupil to his preceptor at the end of his education.

ഗുരുജനം (gurujanam)

preceptor , elders.

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കഷ്ടത (kashtatha)
misery , trouble , hardship , pity , poverty.
കഷണിക്കുക (kashanikkuka)
cut into pieces.
കഷണം (kashanam)
piece , slice.